By Published On: October 25th, 2016Categories: ALVI News, Knick IsolatorsComments Off on SIL Rated Signal IsolatorsTags:

For measurement and safety reasons, analog signals are routinely isolated in industrial facilities. However, nowadays, the requirements on plant and safety-related circuits are continuously increasing, for instance because of a growing awareness of occupational safety. Thereby, the technical requirements on components and the processes are also being raised. The concept of Functional Safety was developed to address the growing demands on process safety. Functional Safety, as defined by IEC standard 61508 is a term used to describe the safety system that performs to achieve a desired risk reduction level. At Alvi Technologies, we take pride in offering SIL Rated Signal Isolators for applications with high demand on functional safety.


Safety integrity level (SIL) is defined as a relative level of risk-reduction provided by a safety function. In other words, SIL is a measurement of performance required for a safety instrumented function (SIF). The higher the SIL level, the lower the probability of failure and the better system performance.


Our Signal Isolators that already has a unique reputation for its extreme durability, reliability and outstanding precision, can now also be offered with a SIL rating for your safety related applications. For further information on the complete range of SIL Rated Signal Isolators , please read: Ferret Article

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