By Published On: September 17th, 2018Categories: MSR TrafficComments Off on Parking Guidance Solutions – Why Choose Us?Tags: , ,

In today’s growing sectors, Parking System providing parking guidance solutions puts an end to the stress and time consuming space search in the parking lots.


At ALVI Technologies, we have a comprehensive system that offers parking guidance solutions which ticks all the boxes for your parking needs.


When choosing the right parking guidance system, there are several factors to be considered apart from the price:

  • Data transmission speed: The faster the sensor data (free / occupied) arrive at the display, undoubtedly the more value the parking guidance system has
  • Service life: The higher the durability of the equipment, the better you can plan the operating costs for the coming years
  • Accuracy: The more accurate the measured values of the sensor system, the more the car park customers will trust the displays
  • Reliability: An old proverb already says: “Even a broken clock is right twice a day” – which is similar with the false displays of a parking guidance system. A stable and reliable system should work perfectly around the clock
  • Indoor/Outdoor Parking: When choosing indoor parking system, utmost care must be taken to choose a system that withstands environmental conditions (dirt, moisture, humidity, etc….); whereas the outdoor parking system should be able to withstand foliage and dirt, snow and frost and trees obstruction
  • Interfaces: They improve the total system. There are systems that cannot be linked to others and, in part, this is explicitly desired (e.g. stand-alone systems without a PC). However, there are also systems with existing interfaces (e.g., ModBus) – here you can easily integrate other systems (e.g. gas warning systems or barrier systems) into the parking guidance system, or vice versa. High-quality parking guidance systems also offer the possibility to connect to higher-level systems (for example, to the building management technology). The more you can present and operate on a platform, the less time you spend on instructing your employees, and the lower the number of software updates is over the years


At ALVI Technologies we can provide complete parking solutions – be it a stand-alone system or a system integrated with software along with the interface to gas detection system. Please contact us for further information.

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