By Published On: November 26th, 2014Categories: Blog, Jola SensorsComments Off on Jola Germany – Diesel Leak SensorTags: , ,

Ever need to monitor a diesel leak from a tank in a plant room? Jola’s Diesel Leak Sensor is the answer!

Jola’s Diesel Leak Sensor should be installed within the bund & close to the tank. A couple of millimetres of diesel will activate the alarm.


Traditional leak sensors are meant to pick up conductive liquids (water etc), diesel is not conductive so the traditional leak sensor will not work.

A gas sensor on the wall will also not pick up a diesel leak as diesel does not give off any gas fumes at rooms temperatures. Jola’s Diesel Leak Sensor is the only guaranteed method to detect such leaks!


Jola’s Diesel Leak Sensor is suitable for most other non-conductive liquids, for example motor oil etc.


More info on our website here,

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